Just wanna share this poem that i found somewhere.
Fairy Kisses - Rachael McCool©2006

Faeries kiss your eyes as you slumber,
Sending wave after wave of giddiness through you.
If you believe, you hear the faeries.
Their voices sing through your veins like honey,
Sweet and satisfying.
On your birthday, they listen to your secret wish,
And if you are lucky, they will find you pure enough,
To grant it.
When you lay to sleep, they come and take you away.
They take you to Faeryland, a realm of flickering creatures.
They rouse you, enchanting you; making you the happiest you have ever felt.
They wrap you in silk, feeding you succulent fruits.
You dance with them, holding their tiny forms close,
As they caress and coo softly in your ear.
You wake the next morning,
An odd giddiness inhabits your body and mind.
You lick your lips and taste juice.
You remember nothing of the night before,
But you have a strange knowing that it will happen again.
The question is will you let it happen again?
Do you believe?
Rachael McCool: Philadelphia USA