What a roller coaster. This so-called stalker, my crush *blush* (hihi...), school projects and assignments also revisions, problems (urgh...) and "ETC".
First of a month ago watch this interesting movie called It's a boy girl thing.

I must say this is one of those interesting romantic-comedy movie from the states that isn't suck. Most romantic-comedy from the states aren't as compatible like those from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan that I've seen. But basically this is just like those typical american Romantic-Comedy (if you've seen Just my luck or The hot chick etc, you know what I mean) but it's watchable. For remakes movie, I'm really dissappointed. Such as One missed call, The eye, My sassy girl. These remakes aren't the 'boom' like the originals.
But anyways, I'm looking forward for Madagascar 2 movie!
Signing off.