My friend (or should I say close friend/ best friend?) and I went to the salon that my friend whenever she wants a haircut. I did went there for a haircut (but later on decided not to have a haircut due to some reason.. But I did get my haircut, its a long story...).
On the other hand, my dear friend did had her hair nicely permed.
How about my hair? Well, while my hair is still on recovery and doing tremendously well although I do need to constantly condition, moisturize, treat (treatment/mask/serum) and protect my hair (also style them.. hehehe...), I did not put on much hope on how my hair could turn out to become but surprisingly it look amazing! I love how she did my hair.
I love love looovve Pantene 3-minute miracle hair treatment!! And I will continue using it.
And I need to get some styling product. Hmmm....
I am really tired and I need rest and sleep. I wish I could continue with blogging but till then.