Three more weeks to an official long holiday! So, I've been thinking that I need a holiday as in a break! Because ever since I got into RP, I've not been having enough sleep, my diet isn't proper by means I gain/lose weight faster (not good...) and my skin breaks out (and I know enough sleep can cure it). When I was in ITE, I didn't have break outs as bad as this (I not remember having break outs!). Back to holiday plans... So I thought for having a holiday, but Mother wouldn't let me because I'm a lady and its isn't proper. So I thought, why not spend my time sufficiently exploring Singapore instead??? Ever since I got busy, I couldn't go out shopping with sister and mother as per normal or even go out with sister and niece like we used to before. Therefore, I would rather have a "holiday" in Singapore. To the park, maybe? Or some where nicer.. During the holiday, I want myself to sleep earlier and stay away from the laptop!!! No touching laptop! Also I miss watching dramas, variety shows on telly =(
But before planning further, I must tell myself to studying!! 2 more tests for UT2 & I must prepare for UT3.
Signing off.