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Monday, April 28, 2008


Gosh I'm damn tired. I've had been studying since I reached home hours ago. I need to brush up my maths. Because I got C for my maths 2 years ago! So this time I need to get either A or B. Further more, I aimed for As or Bs for all modules.

Today, Somebody mistaken me with someone. Thought the person was me, they mocked me yada yada and I was freaking pissed off but tried to keep myself calmed (I bursed later then) but then they found out that they gotten the wrong person.

Who got the last laugh now????

AND further more, one of them who tagged along with those group of hyenas happened to be my ex-collegues and he was my junior!! Also, he is like younger than me!! About my younger brother's age!!! He had no idea who he's messing with!!!!!!!

Signing off.

Saturday, April 19, 2008



School is okay but... Its sucks! Difficult for me to find a friends!! Since there is only 3 girls in class! I want to die!

I'm gonna cut my hair. Found these 3 photos which I find it cute!

Here is the video I took on my cousins nephew's birthday.

When you have a lot of brothers, this is what happen... Everyday...

Shabree, Danish, my mum and me (the white ghost).

Shabree and Danish (who smiled very widely).

Danish and me.

Mum and Danish.

The whole family.

Signing off...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Making Film Part 10 Mag "Vogue" Photo Sketch

The first part of this video cracked me up!

"Hi, My name is storm."
"Blue team!"
"Hero from blue team!"

What the hell?!!

Signing off.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

boredom strikes again.

Boredom strikes again.

School will start next week and I am so nervous! Gosh...

Here's my pairing... I know I am being pathetic but its just a fiction.


Jae Joong....
Isn't he cute? Hehe.. Actually, he reminds me of one of my close friend, let me call her Ai (Ai means love in Japanese. I call her Ai because she is a loving and lovable person! In my point of view). Honestly the both of them are much alike! What I mean is everyone's negative 1st impression towards them, physically the both of them are pretty and fair, attitude-wise and personality are all the same and I am not lying! That is why of all the member, I prefer him because he reminds me of my dearest friend! Haha. Its a lame reason I know but It is the truth.
I love all of my friends. They are like my family.
*Change topic*
I had encounter a person whose an emo but tried to act like a b****. Lets say this person's name is A.
Everyone was (still I doubt) tired of talking with A because A was (and still I doubt) damn emo. If you talked to A before, You could understand me... Really!
Talking to emos in my point of view is okay but to some peoples its quite troublesome. For me, everyone is have feelings (unless if it happened to be psychos). But an emo with a big fat mouth??? "Got to go".
Signing off...

Monday, April 07, 2008


I can't sleep now because I feel disturbed and I don't know why. I kept having the same dream
(actually not the same situation but the same person).
I feel sad (feels like crying), disturbed, angry, etc.
I don't know what the future holds!!
I guess I need to leave it to fate.
Also, I had weird dreams lately. I dreamt of the same person. Either he of his friends (if not him). But it was in different situation but the feelings a bit unstable and really pierce my heart.