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Monday, April 28, 2008


Gosh I'm damn tired. I've had been studying since I reached home hours ago. I need to brush up my maths. Because I got C for my maths 2 years ago! So this time I need to get either A or B. Further more, I aimed for As or Bs for all modules.

Today, Somebody mistaken me with someone. Thought the person was me, they mocked me yada yada and I was freaking pissed off but tried to keep myself calmed (I bursed later then) but then they found out that they gotten the wrong person.

Who got the last laugh now????

AND further more, one of them who tagged along with those group of hyenas happened to be my ex-collegues and he was my junior!! Also, he is like younger than me!! About my younger brother's age!!! He had no idea who he's messing with!!!!!!!

Signing off.

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