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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tired tired tired.

I am feeling a bit lazy at the moment and I know that I have not been updating for so long.
Final exam for this semester is coming and I need to prepare for revisions (Which I have not yet!)
And since I have to do a revisions, I do not know if I might be able to keep my health in good shape be it my internal organ or external organ which is the largest organ. But I do know that I could not resist indulging foods due to my every months "thing". Those "thing" could come in handy because I could indulge in food without gaining weight. Heee....

My beauty blog, I really want to keep update but right here I have things going on and I hope I could update.

Okay, I look ridiculous with absolutely no makeup on in the photo on the left but just trying to show how hard I tried to maintain my external largest organ in good shape. My biggest indulge that is coffee I tried to skip and avoid by switching to Green Tea and Hot Cocoa made from Cocoa Powder since Green Tea contain anti-oxidant and Cocoa Powder contain 3 times anti-oxidant.

My body is dead tired and I need to go to the bathroom.

Signing off.

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