Bremen - Germany

Venice - Italy

Q: What made you choose your blog?
I create this blog more than 2 years ago. Purpose of this blog are for my friends and for me to share my thoughts on something. Something that is anything. Harhar. But basically for me to write out my thoughts (since I love writing and typing).
Q: What's your actual name?
The name given by my mother that I love, "Nasirah" which means Protector.
Q: Do you have any nicknames?
Well, when I was younger, I do not really have a nickname but that name is sort of an another name given by my uncle. And honestly I hate that name because I feel like a guy everytime people called me by that name. The nickname is "Kamaliah".
Aside of that, closed ones and friends called me by my actual name OR Sira. Strangers called me Bunni.
Q: Apart from the obvious make up / beauty hobby, what other hobbies do you have?
Writing, researching, reading mainly non-fiction, art and literature.
Q: What do you do?
I am an electronics engineering student mainly in computer and networking field. I also do some writing currently on a fan fiction for the purpose to improve my writing skills but in the future I might write and come out with a novel.
Q: What would you like to do?
I have always interest in getting a job in psychology, psychiatrist. BUT I think it is utterly impossible for to be in that sort of job due to the course I am in. So for job-wise is IT consultant. For part-time "leisure" maybe writing fictions. The truth is I love acting. I do not know why but I just love performing. Maybe because of my passion for art.
Q: Tell us something embarrassing, but that you love doing?
Practise myself in the mirror? Haha! Practise my posture especially face expressions and also speech.
Q: Tell us a little something that we don't already know about you.
Hmm... Well, my answer would probably sort of be the same with Icyabstract. I am not into hunky-tanned-hulk "sporty" looking guys. I bet alot of girls like these type of guys but not me.
But somehow I am attracted to feminine-looking guys. Soft-spoken (not bapok or Ah qua!) guys.
Celebrities such as Ben Adams of british boyband A1, Baim Wong an indonesian actor and Kim Jae Joong of Korea's boyband DBSK.
Edit: Oh wait, Ben Adams and Baim Wong do have some muscles (o.O""). But definity across between Kim Jae Joong of DBSK and Kim Kyu Jong of SS501.
Q: What achievement are you most proud of?
I was once the most improve student and got a prize for that title. And also during the time I was working part-time as a waitress, I was one of the highest overall once back then when I was taking one of their test in order to get promoted. I got 90/120. I was among the highest!
Q: What do you most like about yourself?
Honestly I have no idea what I like about myself. Hmm.. Maybe being able to help my friends if they need help; I tried to help with the best I can. Also I have this habit I had since young which is I tend to be defensive on what is right, towards anyone who deserve. Say a friend get bullied, I would snapped back, threaten or mostly burst out in anger towards the bully.
Q: What would you change about yourself if you could?
My hot-temperedness. I can easily get pissed.
Q: If you could have anything in the world (that doesn't cost any money), what would you want?
Happiness for the people around me.