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Friday, May 28, 2010

Stupid and useless.

Is “Life is unfair”, perhaps’ a fact? I don’t believe in those claims. I believe that everyone does not have a perfect life. Even the richest… and the poorest… and the smartest… and the dumbest, stupid useless like me.

I’m useless.

Right now, I’m extremely tired and could no longer bare but I want to stay awake because I’m afraid and feel useless. If I get in bed now, I feel that I’m making myself useless and lazy. I feel that if I go to sleep means I’m being lazy.

A few minutes before midnight, Mother and I had a chat and I cried to her without telling the actual reason. Thought I doubt she could sense why. I feel so ridiculous because I’m not being emotional for a reason whom a five years old boy or girl could tolerate. But she knew I could not handle such pressure with hectic schedule and loads of school works, its way too much. But to her its a minor because she experience the worst.

Signing off.

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