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Monday, February 07, 2011

Tests and valentines.

One more week to UT3 (Understanding Test 3) and I haven't study yet. This time I must not study on the last minute. I must prepare them now. April 2011 will mark my 2nd year in RP. Time flies really fast! A year more I'll be in my 3rd year!

A lot of my friends are getting married or at least engaged. How about me? I'm single! Lonelygirl88! I'll be Lonelygirl88 on Valentines! *sarcastic* Piisshh, what's so special about valentines anyway. Valentines should be everyday! Honestly, everyday is like valentines day for me if I were to have a significance other. And I think if we love someone despite on the most unluckiest day that someone can just cheer us up.

I'm looking forward for the holidays so that I wouldn't miss few hours of sleep and morning breakfast.

signing off.

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