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Monday, August 25, 2008

My day.

It is 7.43 in the morning and I am still sitting in front of my computer. Since I am not allowed to touch this computer after 12 midnight, why not now?

I know I love beauty products. Taking care of my skin with couple steps of skincare regime, makeup which I wore almost everyday tryong to keep it at its minimal, when time passes by and wrinkle appear on my face, it will appear and there is nothing I can do about it although there is some anti-aging products sold out there. But what going to happen later? Am I gonna look the same except some wrinkle? Or I might look like a crow feet? Or I might look nothing different?
Recently I found out that I have had lost my baby fat (although I ate a lot hopes I could gain my baby fat again which is completely impossible XD!). From there I learned time is precious, we should treasure it.

Also in my friendster account, I have put someone as my 3rd featured friend (whahahaha!!). The reasons are *tut*. Whahahaha! Okay okay I'll be serious. I have had mention in my previous post that the person resembled one of my friend; my trusted friend.

5 hours later....

Just got back from school and I had my worst day today! I had my menses and guess what, I never wore protection. Just "perfect". Top it up with cramp. Isn't it "great"? Now I am covered with sweater and blanket all over me.


Signing off.

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