Kuda kepang (Horse trance dance) is a form of "art" in malay society. But it involve using incense, black magic, possession with is HARAAM (forbidden) in Islam. If your religion forbid magic or possession, I advice not to be affiliate with it and try not to watch it. If you are a weak person DO NOT WATCH.
I'm a noob so I'll give the link below for more information.
Another link you might what to read.
This Horse Trance Dance has become an issue in Malay-Muslim community in Singapore. Performers of this dance are not allowed to perform in public here in Singapore because it could cause (is causing) disturbance to the public people (I heard some viewer got possessed?).
Before they did a performance they fed the cutout horse an incense?! Usually they would perform on weekends at midnoon or sunset. Also I tried to find more information about this "dance" and what I got is....
Kuda Kepang was created by Wali Songo or Nine Saints, who were instrumental in spreading the religion of Islam in the Indonesian island of Java. The Kuda Kepang dance dramatizes tales of holy wars won for Islam.
Honestly, what the hell Islam got to do with this "dance"? This "dance" originated from the Javanese for what I know and what I find MORE relevant. This "dance" were used for worship Loooooonnnggggg time ago and I doubt it has a link to the hindu in this region during those looonngggg time ago????
To summarized, this "dance" has NOTHING to do with Islam. Further more it is forbidden in Islam.
Lastly, please excuse for not posting videos or photos for this topic. You can search through Youtube for I know there is quite a lot of video about it.
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