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Thursday, December 02, 2010

past few days...

My story today going to be my life for the pass few days. I came late almost everyday. No, I leave my house late almost everyday and that is a very bad thing! The reason is because the probability of me coming to late is 99/100. That is very not good at all. Prior to waking up late, I wore makeup wrongly although I did not snap a photo of myself on my bad makeup day, I'll compare two photo.

Face with foundation, slight uneven powder setting and I-don't-know-what-I-slap-on-my-face makeup due to EXTREMELY tired and overslept

Face with BB Cream, NO playing with eye makeup and minimal makeup altogether

In conclusion, I bloody need my sleep and I hate foundation! My skin gets worse instead! I'm going to switch to BB Cream for face base! Some of my night I usual...

Facial Mask

As usual facial mask because I'm bloody tired I could scratch my face.

Dead face

Also I've noticed lately that my hair been falling out ALOT!!

I'm really scared now although I suspected its either my diet or stress... Sighhh...

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