For the past 6 months, there has been ups and downs. I got to admit that I skipped school and regret it, not studying (which is definitely not me). I forgot that along the way, i did save photos i took prior to certain "event".
Remember the glasses I got in late 2009 at spectacle hut? That time I remembered the salesguy was "touching" me.
I remembered everything.
The black glasses I was talking about. Around the same months, I was mugging for exams. I got it new for 99 SGD. The black glasses suppose to cost more than 100 SGD but he gave me discount (that is what perverts/pedo does =.=).
I think during mid-semester break (prolly around late december 2011), I got a new one. I've been LONGING to get glasses like one above! But it cost a BOMB! I forgot how much it cost though..

Also, during the school semester for the 6 months period, I had a haircut. I don't remember when it was but it was after a long tiring day at school around late afternoon to nearly sunset. The hair salon I went was a different from the previous one. This time I went to the other one and since the bus I took pass by the shopping mall, I thought, why not?
Okay I don't really chopped off my hair but I got layers BUT layers that I want. The previous hair salon I went, the stylist did not cut my hair like I want to but the current hairstylist cut the layers like how I wanted. However, it cost a BOMB I literally almost choke myself with my saliva. 53++SGD for just a haircut! So basically I need an anti-dandruff shampoo (or maybe its just product buildup on my scalp), and I need to religiously blow dry my hair because my hair look like a total mess. Don't blame me though, I've been caught up with assignments, burning midnight oil and stress.
For the past 6 months, I got to admit that I did skipped school. Yeah, I went somewhere else instead just to keep myself alone and so that I can think properly.
So, around the A&F naked model week (those week when A&F was about to open in SG and they have naked men standing outside their store), I roam around Orchard alone in the morning simply because it is so peaceful. But, then it get interestingly tiring. Went back and forth from orchard to somerset then back to orchard and before that I went to mustafa centre hence got really weary prior to that (that explains the picture above).
My skin got really bad due to stress, lack of sleep and assignments that keep me from not sleeping properly! Okay actually the picture above is due to myself not realizing that I was constantly touching my face while doing coding for my assignments. Wow, those are bad blemishes, hyperpigmentations and dark circles!
But, I got to admit that those scarring/hyperpigmentations has improve alot! I need to sleep better, drink more water, NO stress, STOP picking up blemishes/clogged pores and slap on skincare religiously.
Oh... and I love TOP! 탑! 사랑해!!
I'll tell why I love him soooo much in the next post!
BigBang FTW~!
Been a fan of them waaayyy before TVXQ and I still remember them as 6 members (not officially though back then).
Do check out their new album