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Sunday, January 31, 2010


I need to finish up my report that has been divided amongs my team. I am very tired not physically but mentally. I am tired in my brain, my heart....

Yesterday My sister and I were talking about a "person" distaste on fat girls. I bet he do have bad experience with fat girls could be the reason. But it do annoys me for the fact that that "person" dislike fat girls. I have friends of different sizes, heights, skin colours so it does matter to me. Sister said I am being too sensitive but I defended, I was discriminate before and it hurt so much to the point that I have gotten sensitive. No I am not fat but I have seen how my friends with weight issue deal with it and it is definitely not easy especially gaining self-esteem.

How do I get discriminate? My mix ethnicity. I might not know if my sister got discriminate before but I have been told I look like "I got no race", ugly (my race on my father side by default), "you're not (my race on my father side by default) because you're fair". Some of them do have problems with my natural curly hair, curl eyelashes making an opinion that my curl eyelashes are fake, I curl them myself, I wore fake lashes.
Hurt me so much..

Then just when I thought that I am getting over with the issue, some smart-ass ROLE-MODEL made a "THEORY" on fat girls.

I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion. I guess no one is perfect even the one who is judging.

I am not surprise if most males tend to dislike fat girls because most do.
In my opinion, fat girls are beautiful and most of them I knew have beautiful heart and sincerity. And I love hugging them!

I am bored!!!!!

Signing off..

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sad, Pathetic and habit.

I have been under alot of stress for the past few days. No, weeks. I do not know how I am able to make it or not.
Been crying alot, not eating much as I would normally do. If fact, I had one meal a day to almost snacks(I eat Roasted Seaweed only for snacks, Haha). I also did ridiculous things.

But anyways I would like to show some pathetic photos of me. I bet everyone ever did pathetic faces yeah? I do not know why I do this habit of mine which shown two
photographs below.

Other than that, there is this habit of mine I have been doing since I could barely remember perhaps the time I began to walk when I was a toddler? I fold my first toe on top of my second toe like photo shown below.

Other than that, I enjoy watch Children's program In the night garden. Ha ha.

Signing off.

Monday, January 18, 2010


My brain is cramming, need to start opening up theory book and study despite the fact that I am procastinating. Yes, I admit that I am not a smart-ass genius and I am slow in catching up be it in everything.

I cannot believe it when I read The New Paper last week on how some parents' mindset....on ITE; ITE students show no interest in studies so that is the reason why they do not want their children studying in ITE so that their children will not get influence by ITE students and O'levels are much better than Nitec certificate? ITE certification are nothing, yeah? Thank you very much for teaching your children to be an arrogant/cocky. PERFECT example, yeah?

Okay, I am babbling....

Signing off.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My pet, hers and those blemishes.

Couple of days ago I bath my pet lovebird and she loves it when the water is lukewarm not cold. She hates it when its cold.
After shower, I do not know why but her favorite spot seems to know where.

She snuggled at her favourite spot in my palm trying to keep herself warm and comfortable. Other than that...

My sister's pet turtle cuddle beside me already asleep. So cute!

And my blemish skin progression... Hmm... See my blemish? I cannot help but to squeeze it!

Even with makeup on, blemishes on my face is quite visible. So I went to TheFaceShop to purchase exfoliator (I have not exfoliate for about 2 weeks?) and the salegirl recommend me Flebeaute White Crystal Diamond Microderm Exfoliator once she saw my face with blemishes.

^Flebeaute White Crystal Diamond Microderm Exfoliator.

Sighh... Im so sad....

Signing off.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Back in 2007

Back in 2007, I cut my hair short and I love it. Love it to the point that some people mistaken me being a boy. Haha. But as time passed by I want to grow out my hair. So I got my haircut at different hair salon. My hair turns out horrible. I was devastated and felt like hiding in the closet. Nevertheless, my BFF was there to support me.

I use hair wax to hide the split ends and damaged. Also put on more makeup. Sigh.. But now everything's okay and I am thinking of cutting my hair short again. Should I?

Signing off.