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Monday, March 28, 2011

Part two.

I was planning to come over to school for the macbook white's configuration tomorrow (since it's already past midnight, its today) but I think I'll come by on the following day.

I think when school holiday begins, I'm not a very happy person. Not because rotting at home which I truly don't mind, but of things that has been happening.

Sometimes I don't know if what I see with my naked eyes are real. But I guess I need a little faith to know what's real.

Honestly, to actually believe what is real to your naked eyes really hurt. Like a dagger stabbed and buried deep inside my heart.

To chase over a guy seems unladylike.

Sometimes I feel that my heart won't listen to me.

I did tell myself to give up on him as its worthless and since it seems like I'm invisible to him but my heart won't listen to me.

I feel like an idiot.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I did say that I want to forget him. But it's much difficult and I don't think its possible. This feeling I have for him, what is it? I know I like him but why do I feel hurt (can't breath, sudden shock,etc) when I saw those recent photo of him?

I feel sorry and guilty for him because a weak and stupid girl like me could have like him. I don't think any guys would want a weak and stupid girl to like them either.

I don't think it's possible for me to forget him.


Based on psychological study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, means he/she are already in love.
So, am I in love?

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


I'm dumb and I can't use my brain to make decision. I tried and tried.

Honestly, make me cry isn't funny at all. You may find it amusing but I may kick your balls for that. So what are you going to do? Run away? Or avoid me?

When I say I may kick your balls means DO NOT RUN AWAY.
When I say I'm not means I AM.
When I say I'm okay means I'M NOT OKAY.
When I'm about to punch you, DODGE MY FIST AND COMFORT ME.
So when I say I may kick your balls, I FEEL HURT AND I NEED YOUR COMFORT.

Basic Female Language.

The End.

So silence means THE END. I'll take note of it.

Although it will be tough for me, maybe 2, 3 or maybe 4 years to completely erase you? If it takes long time for me to completely erase you, I'm truly sorry. Because I think I know how it feels like. I think I'm a pest to you. But please forgive me because I'm just a weak girl.

I'm really weak. Really. I feel hurt easily, I cry a lot, always sick, got skin allergy and sinus, basically I'm terribly weak. So I'm truly sorry.

But please don't get me wrong. I'm not being stubborn. I'm always having really hard to forget. Be it in anything. I have difficulty to forget. So I'm truly sorry.

I'm sorry once again ='{