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Saturday, December 20, 2008

16 random fact about me.

I decided to do random fact about me after seen icyabstract blog on hers random fact since she tagged for everyone. Here it goes.

1. I am a mixed of Malay-Chinese-Malabaries-Bengali-Boyanese ancestries. Therefore, do not be surprise for the fact that I have medium curly hair with my fair complexion and etc (but since I am living in Singapore, I have slightly Tanned skin).

2. I am currently studying in a field of electronics engineering. But my actual real interest is Art, Literature and Theater.

3. I am an animal lover. I cry when I saw discovery channel or news of animals been abuse or killed. I will anything to save animal even I have to touch pigs or dogs.

4. I hate chocolate so much but I do consume Cocoa due to its health benefits. Not only that, any sweet and fat related food product including dairy product make me vomit. Spice is the thing for me. Hur hur!

5. I have natural curl eyelashes (due to my mixed ancestries) and some people do not believe that my sister and I have natural curl eyelashes included our high school/secondary school teacher whom wrote our name in the school’s discipline act for wearing cosmetics (but the fact is that we never did!!!!!!!!!!!!) and she even called our parent for not believing! My mother came up to my school explains to them that we inherited our eyelashes from her. Means it is natural.

6. Because of my passion for Art, Literature and Theater, I did write Fiction stories. I will one day produce a Novel and hope to be a Novelist cum Scriptwriter. I am an aspiring writer and I got these genes from my mother.

7. I love to study and it is one of my hobbies. Aside from those above, I love cracking my brain with mathematics, calculus and puzzles which is the reason why I got into engineering field. How nerdy am I?

8. Most people thought that I am smart but the truth is that I have short-term memory meaning I forget things that I learn easily but I do have picture memory meaning I remembered thing through picture views.

9. Everyone knows that I love love LOVE Korean boy-band Dong Bang Shin Ki (DBSK). What was the actual reason that I love them so much? I was deeply heartbroken and was still waiting like waiting for the sky to drop for more than a year for the person who taught me how to love. That is when I began to love and get addicted to Korean boy-band DBSK for the reason to forget about the person I used to care and love the most. Basically, without this Korean boy-band around in the entertainment industry, it would be merely impossible for me to forget about him.

10. I had my 1st love and I did date but I neither had a boyfriend nor my 1st kiss taken from some frogs. I believe 1st kiss should reserve uniquely for my husband (if I have one!).

11. I used to be in a Gothic scene such as wearing all black including a black jacket along with thick black eyeliner but as the same time I tried to keep my cuteness with me. Later on I found out that there is such thing as Gothic Lolita!

12. I listen to Alternative songs including Alternative Pop, Alternative Rock and Alternative Metal. I also listen to Gothic rock and my favorite would definitely be Marilyn Manson. In reality, I hate Reggae and Hip-Hop so much prior to a stalker who used to stalk me did opened these sorts of songs along as he stared over me like a delusional BUT thank you very much to the person who taught me how to love, I did not hate Reggae and Hip-Hop anymore.

13. I dislike guys who smoke, drink and clubbing. For guys who possess as mention on the previous sentence can forget 100% about pursuing me because I will not bother to entertain these kinds even though there were supposely to be the last man on earth. Although I do not have any specific type of guy I like simply because I do not judge book by its cover, I can be quite picky in choosing a guy for me.

14. I can be sarcastic, straight-forward and brutally honest when it comes to speaking. Also I might appear tomboyish but I have the softest heart that words can soften my heart like a cheesecake soften up.

15. I can be quite anti-social when it comes to friends. Before befriend with a person, I meticulously study either can I trust or not on that particular person. Not that I do not want to mix with everyone but I was betrayal several times by friends. To simplify, when I trust a friend, I truthfully trust a friend and they become one of the closest and trusted friend but if I do not trust a friend, I will completely ignore a friend and refused to mix with them.

16. I have a fear of clown more than grossing out on creepy crawling. Clown is equal to Satan or Devil in my opinion. Blah!

I am tagging everyone!!

Signing off.

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