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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I am so obsessed with skincare! I know most girls should be obsessing with makeup but what I really want is a porcelain skin. So I have had read on how to get a porcelain skin and here is what I found out.

St. Ives apricot scrub

St. Ives mineral clay mask

St. Ives Stress gel

Are these good? I've tried the second mention above and bloody hell I love it.

I found out that "Follow Me UV White O2 Advance Toner" recommended by the Sales Assistant is very friendly to my skin.

I found out that "Neutrogena Fine Fairness Foaming Cleanser" works very well for my skin but not as friendly as the toner. Further more, it last me for just a month unlike my "somang foaming cleanser" that last me 3 months long. I guess I need to do survey and research. A cleanser that is gentle yet effective.

I saw Bio-Oil in one of the nearest pharmacy and I thought of buying:

Bio Oil

100% Tea Tree Oil

How and what should I do? I heard it is natural. So, why not?

Are alcohol in skincare ingredient are really alcohol that were made into alcoholic drink? Confusing. . . .

Because you see, my "Biore Cleansing Oil" is the only makeup remover that is very suitable for me. Or should I take a look at ZA Cleansing oil?

I think I am in love with Amelie Poulain ost songs!!

Signing off.

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