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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

dramas dramas.

So I've been watching Ugly Betty Season 4 and Daniel falls for Betty? I've been waiting for that since couples of previous seasons before! I feel sad to know that there wouldn't be season 5 for Ugly Betty because 1st of, BAD conclusion! Come on Hollywood experts, you guys need to come out with a good conclusion!

Mary Stayed Out All Night used to be my addiction but because of the happy ending I do not like, I refuse to watch it. Hmpph!! I think I'm looking forward to Dream High, the new drama that is going to aired after Mary Stayed Out All Night ends.

Looking forward to new drama!

Signing off!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bored and scars.

I'm so bored. Kill me please. No I did not wear makeup today. Photo was taken weeks ago. My skin is healing and my skin has blemishes and break out prolly bcos of myself sleeping late (think 12 midnight, 1 or 2 in the morning -_-), lack of water (too much coffee plus did not drink enough water results to dehydration means I need more water), stress and touching my face. Yes, touching my face. Have you ever seen Sandara Park of 2NE1 ever touch her face? Watch 2NE1 TV, barely seen her touch her face. Okay, genes play a part but touching face is a NO-NO. Picking on blemishes and 2X NOO! Trust me, cos I always do that.

Scars left on my face. Scary I know! Plus panda eyes makes it worst. Taken minutes ago. Scars on my face that is healing although it gonna take times. Also on my chest as you can see it is Keloid. According to doctor it can be remove through cosmetic procedure that is injection and I doubt that the cosmetic procedure gonna be very expensive! The problem about this Keloid I have is it grows(!!) and itches and every I scratch I feel pain. T__T
Anyone knows what to do?

Monday, December 20, 2010


I never listens to Kpop songs unless if the songs has meaningful lyrics or catchy/beautiful tunes. These two songs are my addiction at the moment.

IU - Good Day. Tells everything that words I can't express. IU can hit high notes. She can better than that honestly.

I love this song!! Fall in love already (*.*).. Oh Won Bin is very talented! Very very talented! I must say, I am officially his fan! =)

Thursday, December 02, 2010

past few days...

My story today going to be my life for the pass few days. I came late almost everyday. No, I leave my house late almost everyday and that is a very bad thing! The reason is because the probability of me coming to late is 99/100. That is very not good at all. Prior to waking up late, I wore makeup wrongly although I did not snap a photo of myself on my bad makeup day, I'll compare two photo.

Face with foundation, slight uneven powder setting and I-don't-know-what-I-slap-on-my-face makeup due to EXTREMELY tired and overslept

Face with BB Cream, NO playing with eye makeup and minimal makeup altogether

In conclusion, I bloody need my sleep and I hate foundation! My skin gets worse instead! I'm going to switch to BB Cream for face base! Some of my night I usual...

Facial Mask

As usual facial mask because I'm bloody tired I could scratch my face.

Dead face

Also I've noticed lately that my hair been falling out ALOT!!

I'm really scared now although I suspected its either my diet or stress... Sighhh...

Sign off..

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

drama addiction

Mary stayed out all night
My current drama addiction! I'm a "drama" girl. I love watching drama.

This drama above, honestly to whoever watch it, I know this is about maeri and Mookyul couple BUT I really like Maeri and Jungin couple!



Do I have silent reader or is it just me?

Is it from Japan or is it just me?

Monday, November 29, 2010

You are......

I would like to share these "quote" from my BFF. I love her to death. I think she's one in a million who understands me (my mother not included -.- ).
You're a nice person. You're a very good friend. Yes you are naive, it's okay to be naive but there are advantages and disadvantages of being naive. Actually you are a very patience person but the thing is that you get frustrated easily. When you're excited, you get very excited. Your happy moment last in short of time because when you're sad, you get really sad and it's not easy for you to get over it and you take it to your heart. You are a caring and romantic person but it's hidden. - BFF.
I didn't even know that I possess some of the qualities. I didn't know that I'm caring and romantic until one day I thought to myself that I want to get married in a garden and that I want a white wedding. I didn't know until.......*thinking of the pain*..........sighh.....


Five things.

1.Ice Cream makes me happy.
2.Crying is my weapon.
3.Stupidity and naivety are my flaws.
4.My sisters are my BFF.
5.Giving is my hobby.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

= (

I don't like bad boy. I'm not saying all of them because all of them are nice. But what I'm trying to say is from my experience, once a man and I had a special relationship so days passes by and he was being rebellious (bad boy you know). But I don't like that kind of lifestyle and being stubborn, nothing could possibly persuade me to do something I hate. In the end, everything shatters.

You see... I'm stubborn, if I don't like means I really damn it don't like and I don't like being told to do this or that despite being naive (honestly speaking). I don't want a man who lead me astray. I want to be love and care. Yes, I am demanding in love but when I love someone, I really love someone and I won't let go and cherish the person I love. I'm a lady and I want to be treated as a lady.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tell me........

Tell me, what should I do?
Tell me, have you ever fall for someone with a complete different background? (eg. race, religion, age, social, etc)
Tell me, the biggest most upsetting news that happens to you that it breaks your heart?
Tell me, I'm stupid? Am I naive?

I just want to scream out the pain I suffer... It hurts... I need to heal the pain but I can't heal it because I'm too weak... Someone lift me, help me... I can't breath..

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bad headache

I had a bad headache today I did not go school. Actually I reached school but come for class and went to the clinic because of bad headache.

I could no longer bare it, I lay on folded mattress (although I did have the time to snap photo!) but my eyes are waayy too strain for me to look at the camera.

Someone's still asleep when I got back from clinic..

Overslept or lack of sleep that cause the bad headache?

Thursday, November 18, 2010


HOW? I'm confused...


Signing off

Myself and tears.

I need break...
Photo taken dring Semester 1 when I attempt to skip lesson of the day.
When morning routine is the root of the reason I slept in bus with my mouth opened. PS: please excuse my ghost face. Blame the lighting + sunscreen.
Holiday? Finally break! Used powder foundation as a prop. Fail attempt? (-__-")
And tried to act cute (-___-")""
Eyebrow got thicker and I got lazy to trim it. As long as I don't look like a man, that is fine with me.
And check out my necklace = )
Semester 2.. School again.. Check out my blemishes saying hello to the camera.
Got tired every night. Tried to finish my RJ as early as possible.
Lately weather been colder. Raining which is fine with me.

I have to be strong. Everytime I think of this "mess", I cried. I need a shoulder to cry on. ='(

Signing off..

PS: All photo taken before I got really sick and vomiting results being thin.

Saturday, November 06, 2010


Few days ago, I discovered something shockingly unexpected "secret". I was in denial and still am. I tried to think positively the possibility but every time I re-read it, it breaks my heart. I was deeply hurt. I don't how to express it because my mind, my heart can't except it. It happens I'm not sure and I don't want to know any further.

*deep breath*

It breaks my hearts. sobsob.

2 weeks ago, I starts vomiting food I ate. It stills happen but I think its because I can't consume much food. But then I start having fever and flu and there's too many flame in my throat so I would threw up. Therefore I grew a lot thinner.

Understanding test coming up and I should strengthen myself up and move..

Thursday, November 04, 2010

너무 아파 ='(

오늘 밤 나만이 아파요.. 난 널 생각하면, 너무 아파.. ='(

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Why? ='( It hurts.. Why am I stupid? I'm such a fool.. Its hard and I'm being stubborn for all this time.. I don't know why it hurts.. Why? Why?

왜, 왜요..

아파, 아파, 아파..

왜요.. 아파.. ='(

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Life is depressing...

Life is so depressing....
I'm not feeling well prolly because of the weather....
School, not going good but trying my best...
I'm thinking of the guy.. He's not the person of the same race nor religion but I fell for him..
I'm a rabbit!!
 weebit weebit!!

Signing off.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

2 outing over the past few months

Window to your soul

Dosay! I feel happy eating my favourite food!

Teee... I'm tired

Romantic spot

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sunday, July 04, 2010


Blues... I'm confused... If crying could solved the problem and answer the question, I wouldn't stop crying. If thinking I should giveup could answer any doubts in myself, wll actually I already did but not quite yet. I hate giveup but sometimes I have to not for myself but for someone important. I hope I can scream as loud as I can but I can't. I hope I knew but I don't. I can feel it but I doubt it. We saw each other almost everyday but it seems like I'm an inexistence. When the sour face bothers me in a way it sort of prick my heart, I tried to be foolish to entertain. I'm naive and dumb, I know. But that is the only way I can do. I'm stupid. Very stupid. I'm not qualified as a woman for the person who make me feel as a woman. Soon I wouldn't see.... But.....that makes me think alot. Think alot to the point I went to the wrong loo. I'm thinking again..... Bald, Tekong,Training,Camp=Bunk=Cockcroach&Rats...........

My face with powder foundation and concealer without bb cream. Pretty obvious my health not doing as it shows through my skin and eyes. Introducing Snowie. (^.^)
*Random* Just remembered that I accidently went to the male toilet today! WTH!
School make myself stress. I don't know if I can make it or not. Seems no to me but I won't give up. Giving up is not me unless if I have too.

So I bought Beauty Credit 2 Way Cake Matt in Natural Beige, Makeup Shop Creamy Concealer in N30 and The Body Shop Radiance Highlighter. For the BC Cake I placed it in my travel pouch as well as the Concealer. You see, I love sleep and sometimes I wokeup late so I don't really have much time. Basically concealer is important and sufficient but if as these time (I have post acne marks) I need some coverage. Most of the time I use BB cream. But I find it too thick in consistency.
As you can see my face with absolutely no makeup on. Dark circle, acne marks, (my lip looks weird) and tired face.

Lately I've been wearing dark eye makeup. Stress, blues.....cause it....Oh dear....
Oh.. I wear BB cream.. So you can't see dark circle, uneven skintone, marks!

But still.....I'm not qualified to be an eligible.....

Signing off..