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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rather "weak".

I was trying to post an entry about my Overseas trip which include my written diary entry AND my audio "diary" entry. BUT when I tried to upload the 1st audio, it failed. WHY? Sigh... Or should I type on instead of posting it in audio. Well, the audios are more realistic than what is written. Oh well, I will try to fix it.

Speaking of overseas, honestly I realise that I am rather weak. I could neither withstand the coldness nor the super hotness during the summer time at the beautiful country. I must say weather in Singapore are more stable. Neither too hot nor too cold and it is not too windy at all. Just nice except for the humid. The overbearing humid make me feel like taking more shower than my normal shower routine supposed to be.
But anyways, I remembered when I was younger the first time I went to a village in Johor, I had a lot of mosquito bites to the point where my part of my skin bitten my mosquito were swollen. My mother was shock. But maybe because I was not used to living in village.
Then few years ago (I think in the year 2007) I took an effort to participate in a blood donation programme. I was extremely excited and happy because of all four of us (include myself and a few classmates), I was eligible to donate my blood despite the fact that I do not have enough blood (as what had been mention by the nurses). But after I did donated, resting on the "hospital bed", I started to feel nausea, fainting and my head was spinning and I could not see properly because everything in my eyes were almost blurry. I tried to speak or scream but I could not because I was too weak to even speak or to tilt my head. Until a female doctor who set her eyes upon me lip-sync a sentence that I could lip-read "Are you okay?". I frowned as signal that I was not okay and barely mumble "No". She then got up from her seat and make a fast big path towards me while telling the other nurses that I was not okay and help me out. Everyone who was there were shocked.
Many weeks ago I was on overseas, the weather was extremely cold. Everyone knows I could not withstand coldness so that night I had a fever. My body was heating like crazy, I could not get up an by the next day my whole body turns red. Everyone was stunned. And on the same trip, I did went to the theme park. After the third ride, I had nausea, got sick and vomitted non-stop for the whole night until the next day still my body felt weak due to the vomitting and my stomach was fully empty. How lame am I?

I know people might think that I am weak but at least I do not have weak heart? Hehe... How I wish I am physically strong enough. Oh well, I am blessed with what I have now. (^.^)

Signing off.

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