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Friday, December 21, 2007

Just another day.

Just another day.

I went to Hougang mall today with everyone staring at me. Don't ask why. Well, I'm gonna tell anyway. Its because I went there worn my leather bag, white heels with my Elizabeth Arden's perfume. Now you know.

Acting cute before going to Hougang mall.

I know. what's with the heel?! As you guys know, I hate heels. I told myself once that I would NEVER wear heels. But why do I wear? I tell you why.
Few days ago I complain to my mum that I need to buy new shoe and there is only the heels I got left. She told me "NO!". She told me either to donate the heels or I have to bare to wear the heels.
So, there it is. I have to wear the heels, like, ever.

My ugly feet and white peep-toe heels. It was dark because the place is dark.

And I bought new earpieces.

My new earpieces.

By the way, I need to go to my old school tomorrow and I have no idea what time I need to be there. I had prepared for the worst.

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