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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Memoirs of them.

Memoirs of them.

From left Damien, Wei Liang and Poh Hua doing project. (:

Cutie Renuka. (:

The vainness of me taking the last silly photos in lab on the last day in lab.

Yesterday was exam day. Considered the last day of school. And I'll be missing my classmates so much. Although the boys seems a bit irritating and noisy especially Aziz, they make me laugh and smile every school day aiding my gloomiest and saddest moments. Honestly they are the most nicest classmates ever. Renuka and Sathya, always went to 7-11 together and sometimes we would bought bubble tea. Miss those days. One memoirs I really treasure was the time Renuka and I got splattered by puddle of rain water all over us. I would be asking Sathya every morning where would the class be held. Those lectures from Mdm Koh the most caring teacher ever. Aziz, irritatingly adorable and always took my 'kawaii' moment. Poh Hua Irritating, disturbing me always but actually a nice person with his brother Poh Liang, a very kind and gentle person......
Oh, not forgetting the handsome Shou Xin, blushes easily. Haha. Gerald who will assist peoples generously when we asked him some help. There's abundant of them and I will miss them.

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