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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thoughtless mind.

When you have a dream and hoping if it could come true,
but it seems impossible and I am hopeless.
I did not know what to do or able to do.
All this is utterly impossible.
What am I possibly supposed to do?
Should I continue pursuing it or just give up, I do not know.
This is unreal to me but trying my best to make it real.
Waiting seems worthless and it sadden me atrociously.
I want grieve but it seems impossible.
I never want to mourn but it seems possible.
Hours ago while time passes by in my mind thought My life would end which I never wish to.
Worthless. Hopeless.
I want to grieve.


I want to cry but I cannot.


Help me.
Save me.
Save me please because I am crying.
I am crying.
I am crying please, please save me.

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