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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Weird boys.

Weird boys.

Two days ago, I went to ITE Balestier for the Appreciation tea session. Krisna, Harun and I waited for Renuka for 1 hour just because the damn bus arrived so late that made others in a hurry waiting like hell. Onces we arrived at the hall, the talk was over.


But lucky they served some food because I have not eaten breakfast and lunch that day.

The funny part: Renuka and I love this particular Chinese food(I don't know the name). So I took the courage to went to the buffet area and add up the particular food. Suddenly an average guy went up to me and asked some detail about me. And so I replied to him as I just trying to be friendly. But at one point, he muttered to me asking my number. Since the background was a bit noisy, I pretend to deafen my ears; pretend not hearing what he had said. Then I straight away went to my fellow friends and laugh out. Not that I laugh at him but, why would any guy be attracted to my not-so-pretty-face like me while I'm not wearing makeup?

The fuck up part: After the event, I straight away went to the nearest library, at Hougang. Once I reached Hougang station, while on the way out, a group of secondary boys at a corner selling things or asking for donation maybe. So it started like this.
One of them, an indian boy came up to me blocking my way with the eyes that I just to want poke it with a fork and asking out loud, "Wait miss, are you a muslim?!!"
I said to him nicely "no thanks" and try to walk away but he won't let me go STILL BLOCKING MY WAY. Then he repeated.
"Are you a Muslim, miss?!!".
So I pulled out my hand to his face(you know how bitches pulled out their hand? The you-can-talk-to-my-hand one?). Then I said,"No no no. I'm quite busy right now" and pulled out you-talk-to-me-I-slap-your-face kind of look and walk away.
He was so pissed off that shouted so loudly until the birds could heard,"Wah, QUITE busy!!!" to me.


Can anyone slap my face?


I almost lodge a complain to the mrt staff but I was too tired to do that.
Don't you people think I never dare to do that.
I did onces before at school.
And OMG those idiots do pay a price.


Where are the manners?
This is completely rude! At least talk properly then I will answer his question.
Bloody rude, I want to stab his face with a knife.

Pathetic Immature freak.

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