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Saturday, December 01, 2007

Weirdest dream..

Weirdest dream..

Baim Wong, indonesian actor.

I had most weirdest dream yesterday. (actually I've always have weird dreams and I can't deny that)
It started like this..

Okay, okay... the truth is, I have no idea how it started but suddenly there were so many people in my house and I discovered something extraordinary. I got power. I can stop time and go back to past, present and future. I got the ability to manipulate the space-time continuum, just like Hiro nakamura. If you watch heroes, you'll know. So I went out from my room suddenly I saw Baim Wong (he is indonesia sinetron actor {idol drama actor}) in confusion in my mother's room. In a sudden someone got in my house through the main open door and attack him. He was completely clueless. I was in confusion , afraid and depressed so i close my eyes and make that funny face (you know how hiro nakamura make his face to stop time?). Suddenly everyone cease. Then I discovered that I got power to manipulate the space-time continuum. But I wasn't strong enough so it went back to normal. Then someone fight with Baim Wong but Baim didn't know how to fight back. But then I made my own conclusion that he got superhuman strength. Like superman. I make the funny face again to stop time and drag him to the kitchen toilet. He's tall, big figure seems useless. And I explain to him that he got superhuman strentgh like superman. So he 'll have no problem in fighting enemies. I told him that I can stop time while my sister can be invisible.Then I tell him to go back and fight the someone(btw someone had multiple acquired abilites, like sylar from heroes). But I told him that I'm not strong enough so I can't fight with him(but the truth is that I was scared). So I stay in my room and peep at them. I close my room door and then peep and again, suddenly my mom was there finished her prayer. I want to look for Baim Wong but I woke up. So that was my dream yesterday. Weird.

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